(We are not accepting new submissions at this time.)

Submission Guidelines:

Before you query us or any other publisher, please make sure your manuscript is absolutely ready for submission. It would be a shame to work so hard on your query only to have your manuscript rejected due to typos and grammatical errors. These things say to a publisher, “I haven’t taken very much pride in my writing, why should you?”

If you're looking for a professional to proofread and/or edit your manuscript before submission (which is always a good idea), we offer those and other services through our sister company, Foray Publishing Services. There are many other companies who offer such services, as well. You can find them through a simple Google search.

If, however, you feel one hundred percent certain your manuscript is ready for submission, please continue.

We at Neverland Publishing believe that every gifted writer should have a chance to see their words in print and we are always looking for new and aspiring authors. We don't take unsolicited manuscripts, but welcome queries from interested authors who are serious about their craft. We will consider all genres, although we specialize in fiction, historical fiction, well-written and intelligent fantasy, and childrens' books. When submitting your query, please double check your spelling and grammar. First impressions count and you will most likely not get a second chance to impress us with your writing skills.

Queries may be submitted via e-mail (preferred) or snail mail (somewhat antiquated, albeit rather charming). If you submit by e-mail, please include all information, and your outline, within the body of the e-mail.
Attachments will not be opened!

Please include the following information in your query:

1. Contact information (your name, address, telephone number).
2. Tell us a little about yourself. What are your motivations in life; your dreams and aspirations? Have you written any other books? If you are a new author, please share with us when and why you started writing.
3. Why have you written this book? This should be the easiest question to answer. If it isn't, maybe you should reconsider your next move.
4. A brief description of your book. It doesn't have to be very long; just give us an idea of what it's about. Please also tell us if your book is complete and, if not, the expected completion date.
5. Who is your target audience and what genre(s) do you feel your book fits into and why?
6. How does your book differ from the works of similar writers and what makes it stand out? What known authors would you compare your writing style to and why?
7. Marketing is very important. Please tell us, honestly, what efforts you will make to self-promote your book and yourself as an author.
8. Please include a brief one page outline of your book. If this seems too difficult, again, perhaps you should reconsider this whole writing thing.
9. Please answer one, or more, of the following questions:

   Who is your favorite Beatle and why?

   What is a fardel and do you have any?

   When was the last time you spoke to a stranger?

   Where would you rather be right now?

   How would you get there? (Please see previous question.)

   Why are you the person you are today?



E-mail your query to:
Editor at NeverlandPublishing dot com with the subject line of "Query"


Mail your query to:

Neverland Publishing
Author Submissions
24 NW 102nd Street
Miami Shores, Florida 33150

Due to the number of queries we receive, we may be unable to respond to every query. Please don't take it personally if you do not hear back from us. We will make every effort to respond within two to six weeks.

Thank you for your interest and may the muses smile upon you!

Donna Font, Founder/Editor
Neverland Publishing Company, LLC