Answer: Wrong! Every manuscript requires more editing than any writer, even the most experienced, can do on their own. And those friends and family members probably aren't professionals. We highly recommend having your manuscript proofread by a professional editor/proofreader. There are many companies and individuals who offer such services and they can be found through a quick internet search via the search engine of your choice.
Answer: No, no and no. We are a small, independent publisher. We work much in the same way as the big boys in the publishing industry – we’re just not as famous yet. As much as we’d love to be able to work with every author who submits a manuscript, it isn’t always possible. We do not accept all submissions, but once a manuscript is accepted by us, there are no fees involved for the author. All proofing, editing, interior design, cover art, and other general pre-publication duties are handled by us in the same way they would be by any of the larger publishers. In return, we receive a small percentage (royalty) of all future sales of the book, which is only fair considering all the hard work we’ve put in!
Answer: We most definitely publish both paperback and Kindle versions. It is up to each author which format(s) they would like to see their book become available in. As we believe Kindle to be the hands down leader in ebooks, this is our chosen format at present due to their Kindle Select program, with which we’ve had success. Our books are currently available through Amazon and our estore, and books will also be distributed through Ingram and may then become available through and other major book retailers.
Answer: We use print-on-demand for our printing – the most advanced printing method currently available. This allows us to control our costs and maintain a low overhead, and, if you’re a fan of the environment, you’ll be happy to hear it’s a much greener way of publishing as there is no unused surplus of books.
Answer: Not necessarily. All of our titles are available for bookstores to purchase through iPage (a source most bookstores use) at max discount. Our books are also available through Follett (a source for most schools and libraries).
Answer: Sadly, no. That honor belongs to Harriet Beecher Stowe’s Uncle Tom’s Cabin, published March 20, 1852 (not by Neverland Publishing).